Planning Application
In July 2024, RES submitted a planning application for the Corshellach Energy Storage proposal near Dunphail, south of Forres, Moray. The planning application was validated by Moray Council in August 2024. The application can be viewed on the council's website by using reference number: 24/01073/APP.
In December 2024, RES received planning consent following Moray Council's Planning and Regulatory Services Committee's decision to approve the scheme, in line with the case office's recommendation.
All documents can also be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the links below:
Planning Design and Access Statement
Pre-Application Consultation Report
- Location plan
- Infrastructure layout
- Landscape masterplan
- Auxiliary transformer
- Battery storage enclosure
- Spares storage container
- Typical drainage details
- Typical water channel crossing culvert
- Capacitor bank
- DNO control building
- BESS control building
- Harmonic filter
- LV feeder pillar and aggregation panel details
- PCS and transformer
- Pre insertion resistor
- Typical security fence details
- Typical acoustic fence details
- Typical lighting and CCTV column
Construction Environment Management Plan
Flood Risk Screening and Drainage Management Plan
Landscape and Visual Assessment
Hard copies of some planning reports are available on request, please contact us for more information.
If you would like to support the project, or submit any kind of representation, you can do so by submitting a comment on Moray Council's website and searching for the project using reference number: 24/01073/APP.